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Hands-On Math
A Page-Based Multi-touch and Pen Desktop for Technical Work and Problem Solving

Students, scientists and engineers have to choose between the flexible, free-form input of pencil and paper and the computational power of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) when solving mathematical problems. Hands-On Math is a multi-touch and pen-based system which attempts to unify these approaches by providing virtual paper that is enhanced to recognize mathematical notations as a means of providing in situ access to CAS functionality. Pages can be created and organized on a large pannable desktop, and mathematical expressions can be computed, graphed and manipulated using a set of uni- and bi-manual interactions which facilitate rapid exploration by eliminating tedious and error prone transcription tasks. Analysis of a qualitative pilot evaluation indicates the potential of our approach and highlights usability issues with the novel techniques used.



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Hands-On Math: A Page-based Multi-touch and Pen Desktop for Technical Work and Problem Solving. Robert Zeleznik, Andrew Bragdon, Ferdi Adeputra, Hsu-Sheng Ko. To appear in: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2010). UIST Paper Download PDF N/A Digital Library Link

        Copyright © 2010 by Andrew Bragdon. All Rights Reserved.



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Andrew Bragdon
Department of Computer Science
Brown University, Box 1910
115 Waterman St. 4th Floor
Providence, RI 02912